Debian lenny with emerald themes for compiz-fusion

11 01 2009

This assumes that you already have Compiz-fusion installed and are after that little extra.

First off, you’ll need to grab the emerald sources, which can be found here:

Do your normal unpack, cd, ./configure, make, make install.

That will work but there’s a small tweak needed to get it running. It places the needed libraries into /usr/local/lib.

Check to see that the path is in /etc/ If it is, good, if not, add it. Then run ldconfig as root. It will update the paths and all should be working after that. Check with emerald –replace.



2 responses

28 03 2009
Mike Freeman

When I tried to do this, I typed cd emerald-0.7.6, and ./configure seemed to work fine, but when I used make, it said, “make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.” Is there another step somewhere that I’m not getting?

To be honest, I hate compiling, and have rarely been successful with it. I do have all the necessary components, from what I can tell. I just don’t know enough to make this work, and don’t have the time to invest in learning why this isn’t working for me. Any help would be appreciated. A .deb file would be appreciated even more! I’m all about apt, dpkg, and synaptic! 🙂

1 04 2009

I would check over the output of the ./configure command again. There’s probably something in there that you missed.

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